Monday, October 21, 2013

Creamy Tomato Soup with Egg Noodle Topper!

   So today I'm going to give you guys another soup recipe. When I first made this tomato soup I absolutely fell in love with it. Besides being so delicious and creamy it's budget friendly and even more important kids will love it!!!
I really felt inspired to make this dish because of the weather changing. We just moved into a new house in a country like setting. Surrounded mostly by woods and deer in our front and backyard everyday. With my favorite season fast approaching a nice warm and comforting soup is just what we needed. I'm super excited to share one of my new favorite soup recipes with you guys. 

Well let's get started already!! 
Of course I'm going to use my immersion blender in this recipe but your food processor or blender will work fine as well. 
The immersion blender is way faster on clean up though. I'm just saying. ;)

Ok ok for real this time. 
 So you want to start out by heating some extra virgin olive oil in a large soup pot. Chop up:
A few medium carrots
Half of a large onion
A few tablespoons of fresh thyme
And peel 4-5 cloves of garlic

Add that all you your pan and grate your garlic in. You want to sweat this out until everything starts to soften. Season with a  pinch of sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper.

   Once those sweat out add a few tablespoons of tomato paste. Let that cook out for a minute or two while you mix it into all of your veg. 

   Add a quart of chicken stock plus a cup of water. 

   Add a large can of whole peeled plum tomatoes. Mash these up by hand with a wooden spoon or a potato masher. It doesn't have to be perfect since we will be blending it up later anyway. Now add some fresh chopped basil. Oh course my grocery store was out so I had to buy either dried or the basil in a tube. I opted for the tube basil and it was surprisingly better than I expected. So add a good handful of fresh chopped basil or a tablespoon or two of the tube basil. Let this simmer for 30 minutes. 

   After your soup has simmered for 30 minutes blend it all up nice and smooth. I of course used my immersion blender. Man I love that thing! 

   Now let that keep simmering while you make your béchamel. Now you can just add a cup of heavy cream and be done with it but adding this béchamel makes the soup so creamy and delicious while at the same time thickening it up. 
Start of by melting 3 tablespoons of butter in a pan. Add 3 tablespoons of flour and whisk together. 

   Let that cook out about 30 seconds and start adding 1 1/2 cups of half and half while whisking. (Whisking while adding the cream prevents it from being lumpy)
Now keep whisking until it starts the thicken and season it with some sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. 

   Once it has thickened up add it into your soup. Stir well to combine. I actually just whisked it all together. Let that simmer and thicken up while you make this super fun and yummy topper for your soup. 

   For your soup topper whisk together 4 eggs, a large handful of fresh chopped parsley, freshly grated parmasan (1/2 to 3/4 cup) and sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. 

   Of course I forgot to take a picture of the eggs in the pan but it's pretty simple. Your going to want a large skillet on medium low. Pour the egg mixture in over a pat of melted butter. Do not touch it. Lay a sheet of foil over the egg mixture and let it cook low and slow. Once the egg "omelet" surface has stiffened up and there is no more runny egg on top you can slide it out onto your cutting board. Let it cool some and then roll it up and slice it into little noodles. (You can trim the edges that are super thin and crispy.) 

   Now you just top your soup with your "egg noodles". The noodles give this soup such an amazing and new take on your tomato soup. They are so so delicious. It blew my mind the first time I made it! 

So with fall fast approaching and the temperatures dropping this soup is perfect to cozy up with on a cold night. Add a gooey grilled cheese sandwich and your set!!! 

   I really hope you guys enjoy this dinner. It is definitely one I'm proud to make for my husband and know he is completely satisfied and that he loves it. I really think that feeding my husband or family a meal they truly love and enjoy is a huge part of the reason I love to cook. It makes me proud of how far I have come with the way I cook. Five years ago I probably couldn't cook to save my life and now I love cooking dinner for my husband most every night.  

I really hope you guys enjoyed!! If you like to read my blog then please go and like my fan page on Facebook. Search "pinch of sea salt blog" and like the page to receive updates. :)) 

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