Friday, April 26, 2013

Picky Eaters? Salt?

I started writing my first recipe post and I started rambling on about how my husband used to be the pickiest eater I've ever met. I realized that a lot if people probably deal with this and thought I should dedicate a post specifically about it.
When my husband and I first met I lived with my parents. He was always over for dinner and I noticed he wouldn't eat a lot of the things my mom would cook. I thought this was crazy because she made such delicious food. I started noticing he would stray away from certain foods. Onions, carrots, sour cream etc. He wouldn't go near veggies. The only ones he would eat were corn and peas. I thought this was strange. How could someone be THAT picky?? But then again I love food.
It took a long time but he will pretty much eat anything now. He learned he actually did like veggies! They just had to be cooked a certain way. He doesn't really like any crunch or to much texture to them. Personally, I do. So I have to cater to him when it comes to certain foods. I don't mind that at all. I make food so he can enjoy it. That's one of the things that makes me love cooking so much.
Of course I had to cook things several ways before he would decide he liked them. Mushrooms I have never convinced him to try. He says he has tried them and they remind him of eating snot. Ew!
I love them. So when I make something that calls for mushrooms I cook them separate and keep them to the side and add them to my plate at the end. Don't skip over a recipe because it calls for something one of your family members won't eat. Either cook it separate or omit it. Of course that doesn't work for everything but just keep that in mind before you skip over 20 recipes that call for mushrooms.
I've also learned since I've been cooking that I have my own style. We love bold flavors. And salt! :) I don't go crazy with salt but I've eaten meals someone has cooked that would have been amazing if it had more seasoning. I think a lot of people under season their food because they are scared of it. Don't be! Salt brings out the flavors of your dish. I'm not a huge fan of adding salt after you plate up food either. I like to give the flavors time to meld together.
I could and have cooked for someone who never really seasons their food and my food is just "to much" for them. They aren't used to having all that flavor and they don't like it. Which blows my mind that some people love their bland food. But to each their own.
We love our flavor but just in case I'm not going to put measurements for salt in my recipes. (Not that I use specific measurements for most of my stuff. I tend to eyeball a lot of my food) Just try and season as you go. Keep tasting your food until you think it's perfect.
I feel like I had so much more to say about this but my mind has gone blank on me.
I'm sure I will be able to fit it all in Throughout my posts.

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